import _ from 'lodash';
* This class defines a boolean expression, which is a collection of items
* grouped together by "and"/"or" statements. For example,
* (("X > 5" or "X < 2") and "Y = 10").
* @class
class BooleanExpression {
* @param {any[]} items The items in the boolean expression. Each item can
* either be an object of an arbitrary type or a boolean expression.
* @param {string} type The type of the boolean expression ('and'/'or');
constructor(items, type) {
this.items = items;
this.type = type;
* Constructs a new boolean expression with the 'and' type.
* @param {...any} items The items in the boolean expression. Each item can
* either be an object of an arbitrary type or a boolean expression.
* @returns {BooleanExpression} The new boolean expression.
static and(...items) {
return new BooleanExpression(items, this._TYPES.AND);
* Constructs a new boolean expression with the 'or' type.
* @param {...any} items The items in the boolean expression. Each item can
* either be an object of an arbitrary type or a boolean expression.
* @returns {BooleanExpression} The new boolean expression.
static or(...items) {
return new BooleanExpression(items, this._TYPES.OR);
* @returns {boolean} Whether the expression is an 'and' expression.
isAnd() {
return this.type === BooleanExpression._TYPES.AND;
* @returns {boolean} Whether the expression is an 'or' expression.
isOr() {
return this.type === BooleanExpression._TYPES.OR;
* @param {object} options The options for reduction.
* @param {any} options.andInitialValue The initial value for an expression
* with the 'and' type.
* @param {Function} options.andReducer A function that takes an object with
* three keys: `accumulator` (the accumulated value for the current
* expression), `item` (the current item), and `isReduced` (whether the
* current item is a nested boolean expression that has already been
* reduced). This function is only used for expressions that have the 'and'
* type.
* @param {any} options.orInitialValue The initial value for an expression
* with the 'or' type.
* @param {Function} options.orReducer A function that takes an object with
* three keys: `accumulator` (the accumulated value for the current
* expression), `item` (the current item), and `isReduced` (whether the
* current item is a nested boolean expression that has already been
* reduced). This function is only used for expressions that have the 'or'
* type.
* @returns {any} The reduced value of the expression.
}) {
return this._map({
handleAnd: (items, recursiveMappingFunc) => (
(accumulator, unmappedItem) => {
const { isMapped, item } = recursiveMappingFunc(unmappedItem);
return andReducer({
isReduced: isMapped,
handleOr: (items, recursiveMappingFunc) => (
(accumulator, unmappedItem) => {
const { isMapped, item } = recursiveMappingFunc(unmappedItem);
return orReducer({
isReduced: isMapped,
* @param {object} options The options for evaluation.
* @param {Function} options.isItemTrue A function that takes an argument that
* is an item in the boolean expression. The function returns whether the
* given item is true or false.
* @returns {boolean} Whether the overall expression is true or false.
evaluate({ isItemTrue }) {
return this._map({
handleAnd: (items, recursiveMappingFunc) => (
_.every(items, (unmappedItem) => {
const { isMapped, item } = recursiveMappingFunc(unmappedItem);
return isMapped ? item : isItemTrue(item);
handleOr: (items, recursiveMappingFunc) => (
_.some(items, (unmappedItem) => {
const { isMapped, item } = recursiveMappingFunc(unmappedItem);
return isMapped ? item : isItemTrue(item);
* @param {object} options The options for simplification.
* @param {Function} options.implies A function that takes two arguments that
* are both items in the boolean expression. The function returns whether
* the first item being true implies that the second item is true. For
* example, "X > 5" would imply "X > 3".
* @returns {BooleanExpression} The simplified boolean expression.
simplify({ implies }) {
let updatedExpression = this._flatten();
for (let i = 1; i <= 3; i += 1) {
updatedExpression = updatedExpression._removeDuplicateChildren(implies);
updatedExpression = updatedExpression._removeDuplicateExpressions(implies);
return updatedExpression;
* The possible types for a boolean expression ('and'/'or').
* @property {object.<string, string>}
* @private
static _TYPES = {
AND: 'and',
OR: 'or',
* Maps the boolean expression to a value. This is used to reduce the
* boolean expression to a boolean value (in `evaluate`) or to an arbitrary
* value (in `reduce`).
* @param {object} options The options for mapping.
* @param {Function} options.handleAnd A function that is called with two
* arguments: the items in the expression, and a recursive mapping function.
* The recursive mapping function takes an object as an argument with the
* keys `item` (the current item) and `isMapped` (whether the item is a
* nested boolean expression that has already been mapped). This function is
* only called if the boolean expression has the 'and' type.
* @param {Function} options.handleOr A function that is called with two
* arguments: the items in the expression, and a recursive mapping function.
* The recursive mapping function takes an object as an argument with the
* keys `item` (the current item) and `isMapped` (whether the item is a
* nested boolean expression that has already been mapped). This function is
* only called if the boolean expression has the 'or' type.
* @returns {any} The mapped value of the expression.
* @private
_map({ handleAnd, handleOr }) {
const recursiveMappingFunc = (item) => {
if (BooleanExpression._isExpression(item)) {
const mappedItem = item._map({ handleAnd, handleOr });
return {
item: mappedItem,
isMapped: true,
return {
isMapped: false,
if (this.isAnd()) {
return handleAnd(this.items, recursiveMappingFunc);
if (this.isOr()) {
return handleOr(this.items, recursiveMappingFunc);
// istanbul ignore next
throw Error(`Invalid type: ${this.type}`);
* @returns {string} The opposite type of the current boolean expression. For
* a boolean expression of type 'and', this method returns 'or', and vice
* versa.
* @private
_oppositeType() {
if (this.isAnd()) {
return BooleanExpression._TYPES.OR;
if (this.isOr()) {
return BooleanExpression._TYPES.AND;
// istanbul ignore next
throw Error(`Invalid type: ${this.type}`);
* @param {any} item The item or expression to check.
* @returns {boolean} Whether the given item is an instance of a boolean
* expression.
* @private
static _isExpression(item) {
return item instanceof BooleanExpression;
* @param {object} options Options for evaluating if the expressions are
* equal.
* @param {BooleanExpression} options.otherExpression The boolean expression
* to compare the expression to.
* @param {Function} options.areItemsEqual A function that takes two arguments
* that are items in the boolean expression. This function should return
* whether the two items are equal.
* @returns {boolean} Whether the boolean expression is equal to the given
* other boolean expression. The items in the two expressions can be in any
* order, but they must otherwise be equivalent.
* @private
}) {
if (
|| this.type !== otherExpression.type
|| this.items.length !== otherExpression.items.length
) {
return false;
const difference = _.xorWith(
(item, otherItem) => {
if (BooleanExpression._isExpression(item)) {
return item._isEqualTo({
otherExpression: otherItem,
if (BooleanExpression._isExpression(otherItem)) {
return false;
return areItemsEqual({
return _.isEmpty(difference);
* @returns {BooleanExpression} The flattened boolean expression. For example,
* the expression `And(And(And("X > 5")))` can be simplified to
* `And("X > 5")`.
* @private
_flatten() {
const newItems = _.flatMap(this.items, (item) => {
if (!BooleanExpression._isExpression(item)) {
return item;
const flatItem = item._flatten();
if (_.isEmpty(flatItem.items)) {
return [];
if (flatItem.type === this.type || flatItem.items.length === 1) {
return flatItem.items;
return flatItem;
if (newItems.length === 1) {
const firstItem = _.first(newItems);
if (BooleanExpression._isExpression(firstItem)) {
return firstItem;
if (newItems.length <= 1) {
return BooleanExpression.and(...newItems);
return new BooleanExpression(newItems, this.type);
* @param {any[]} items The items in the boolean expression. Each item can
* either be an object of an arbitrary type or a boolean expression.
* @param {string} type The type of the boolean expression ('and'/'or');
* @returns {BooleanExpression} The new boolean expression with the given
* items and type, modified to be flattened.
* @private
static _createFlatExpression(items, type) {
const newExpression = new BooleanExpression(items, type);
return newExpression._flatten();
* @param {object} options Options for determining if the item is subsumed.
* @param {any[]} itemsCollection The collection of items to search through.
* @param {any} item The item to check.
* @param {string} expressionType The type of the expression.
* @param {Function} implies A function that takes two arguments that are both
* items in the boolean expression. The function returns whether the first
* item being true implies that the second item is true. For example,
* "X > 5" would imply "X > 3".
* @returns {boolean} Whether the given item is subsumed by any item in the
* given items collection.
* For an 'and' expression, this is true if any of the items in the given
* items collection imply the given item.
* For an 'or' expression, this is true if the given item implies any of
* the items in the given items collection.
* @private
static _itemIsSubsumed({
}) {
return _.some(itemsCollection, (otherItem) => {
if (this._isExpression(otherItem)) {
return false;
if (expressionType === this._TYPES.AND) {
if (implies(otherItem, item)) {
return true;
} else if (expressionType === this._TYPES.OR) {
if (implies(item, otherItem)) {
return true;
} else {
// istanbul ignore next
throw Error(`Invalid type: ${expressionType}`);
return false;
* @param {object} parentItems An object with a key for each of the expression
* types ('and'/'or'), with the values for each key being the items that
* have appeared in parent expressions with that type.
* @returns {object} The updated parent items. All items in the current
* boolean expression instance that are not boolean expressions are added
* to the parent items object under the key corresponding to the current
* type.
* @private
_getUpdatedParentItems(parentItems) {
return _.mergeWith(
{ [this.type]: this.items },
(objectValue, sourceValue) => {
if (_.isArray(objectValue)) {
return _.concat(
_.filter(sourceValue, (value) => !BooleanExpression._isExpression(value)),
return undefined;
* @param {object} options The options for removing duplicate children.
* @param {Function} options.implies A function that takes two arguments that
* are both items in the boolean expression. The function returns whether
* the first item being true implies that the second item is true. For
* example, "X > 5" would imply "X > 3".
* @param {object} options.parentItems An object with a key for each of the
* expression types ('and'/'or'), with the values for each key being the
* items that have appeared in parent expressions with that type.
* @returns {BooleanExpression} The current boolean expression instance, with
* items removed if they are subsumed by any items that appear in parent
* expressions of the current boolean expression instance.
* If an expression has an item that also exists in a parent expression
* with the same type, then that item is removed.
* If an expression has an item that also exists in a parent expression
* with the opposite type, then the entire expression is removed.
* If all of an expression's items have been removed, then that expression's
* parent is removed.
* @private
}) {
const newItems = [];
const updatedParentItems = this._getUpdatedParentItems(parentItems);
const sameTypeItems = _.get(parentItems, this.type);
const oppositeTypeItems = _.get(parentItems, this._oppositeType());
let removeSelf = false;
_.forEach(this.items, (item) => {
if (BooleanExpression._isExpression(item)) {
const {
expression: childExpression,
removeParent: childRemoveParent,
} = item._removeDuplicateChildrenHelper({
parentItems: updatedParentItems,
if (childRemoveParent) {
removeSelf = true;
return false; // break loop
} else {
if (BooleanExpression._itemIsSubsumed({
itemsCollection: oppositeTypeItems,
expressionType: this._oppositeType(),
})) {
removeSelf = true;
return false; // break loop
if (!BooleanExpression._itemIsSubsumed({
itemsCollection: sameTypeItems,
expressionType: this.type,
})) {
return true; // continue
if (removeSelf) {
return {
expression: BooleanExpression.and(),
removeParent: false,
const expression = BooleanExpression._createFlatExpression(newItems, this.type);
if (_.isEmpty(expression.items)) {
return {
expression: BooleanExpression.and(),
removeParent: true,
return {
removeParent: false,
* @param {Function} implies A function that takes two arguments that are both
* items in the boolean expression. The function returns whether the first
* item being true implies that the second item is true. For example,
* "X > 5" would imply "X > 3".
* @returns {BooleanExpression} The current boolean expression instance, with
* items removed if they are subsumed by any items that appear in parent
* expressions of the current boolean expression instance.
* @private
_removeDuplicateChildren(implies) {
const { expression } = this._removeDuplicateChildrenHelper({
parentItems: {
[BooleanExpression._TYPES.AND]: [],
[BooleanExpression._TYPES.OR]: [],
return expression;
* @param {object} options The options for determining whether the current
* boolean expression is subsumed.
* @param {BooleanExpression} options.otherExpression The boolean expression
* to compare the current boolean expression instance to.
* @param {Function} options.implies A function that takes two arguments that
* are both items in the boolean expression. The function returns whether
* the first item being true implies that the second item is true. For
* example, "X > 5" would imply "X > 3".
* @param {boolean} options.removeIfIdentical Whether to remove the current
* boolean expression instance if it is identical to the given other boolean
* expression.
* @returns {boolean} Whether the current boolean expression instance is
* subsumed by the given other boolean expression instance. This means that
* in all cases, the other boolean expression instance implies the current
* boolean expression instance, and therefore the current boolean expression
* instance is redundant.
* @private
}) {
if (this._isEqualTo({
areItemsEqual: ({ item, otherItem }) => implies(item, otherItem) && implies(otherItem, item),
})) {
return removeIfIdentical;
const iteratorFunc = (this.type === otherExpression.type) ? _.every : _.some;
return iteratorFunc(
(otherItem) => {
if (BooleanExpression._isExpression(otherItem)) {
return this._isSubsumedBy({
otherExpression: otherItem,
removeIfIdentical: true,
return BooleanExpression._itemIsSubsumed({
itemsCollection: this.items,
item: otherItem,
expressionType: this.type,
* @param {object} options The options for determining whether the given
* expression is subsumed.
* @param {BooleanExpression} options.expressionToCheck The expression to
* check.
* @param {number} options.index The index of the given boolean expression
* within the items of the current boolean expression instance.
* @param {Function} options.implies A function that takes two arguments that
* are both items in the boolean expression. The function returns whether
* the first item being true implies that the second item is true. For
* example, "X > 5" would imply "X > 3".
* @returns {boolean} Whether the given expression is subsumed by any other
* item or expression in the items of the current boolean expression
* instance. If multiple expressions are identical, then only the expression
* with the lowest index is kept.
* @private
_expressionIsSubsumed({ expressionToCheck, index, implies }) {
return _.some(this.items, (otherItem, otherIndex) => {
if (otherIndex === index) {
return false;
let otherExpression;
if (BooleanExpression._isExpression(otherItem)) {
otherExpression = otherItem;
} else {
otherExpression = new BooleanExpression([otherItem], this._oppositeType());
return expressionToCheck._isSubsumedBy({
removeIfIdentical: otherIndex < index,
* @param {Function} implies A function that takes two arguments that are both
* items in the boolean expression. The function returns whether the first
* item being true implies that the second item is true. For example,
* "X > 5" would imply "X > 3".
* @returns {BooleanExpression} The result of recursively calling
* `_removeDuplicateExpressions` on any child boolean expressions.
* @private
_removeDuplicateExpressionsInChildren(implies) {
const newItems =, (item) => {
if (BooleanExpression._isExpression(item)) {
return item._removeDuplicateExpressions(implies);
return item;
return BooleanExpression._createFlatExpression(newItems, this.type);
* @param {Function} implies A function that takes two arguments that are both
* items in the boolean expression. The function returns whether the first
* item being true implies that the second item is true. For example,
* "X > 5" would imply "X > 3".
* @returns {BooleanExpression} The current boolean expression instance, with
* items removed if they are subsumed by any other items.
* @private
_removeDuplicateExpressions(implies) {
const parentExpression = this._removeDuplicateExpressionsInChildren(implies);
const newItems = _.filter(parentExpression.items, (item, index) => {
let expressionToCheck;
if (BooleanExpression._isExpression(item)) {
expressionToCheck = item;
} else {
expressionToCheck = new BooleanExpression([item], parentExpression._oppositeType());
return !parentExpression._expressionIsSubsumed({
return BooleanExpression._createFlatExpression(newItems, this.type);
export default BooleanExpression;